Hello there, I know little or nothing about lorries, trucks etc, however, I would like to say what amazing blokes the 'local ' drivers are. We live on the edge of one of the largest plantation forests in UK,and there are loads of lorries going in and fetching out trees, (minus branches). These chaps have to drive miles up single track lanes before entering the forest, some have two 'trailer' parts, and they have external grabs at the end of the open trailers, so they have to sit out there and load up trees, often in blizzards and driving conditions shocking to behold, near white-outs and stuff. Then drive back down tiny lanes and tracks all loaded up.Often no radio or mobile fone contact.Amazing.
Also I would like to say supermarket home delivery van drivers are my current heroes, without whom our family would soon starve, as DH is off to foreign parts with the car,for 5 weeks.
I must say US HGV's are much snazzier looking, sorry!